MONROE – Union County Water is accepting applications for the Short Water Line Extension Program.
The program allows Union County property owners to apply for connection to the county water system and receive clean, safe drinking water.
Residents who meet one of the following criteria may apply through Dec. 20:
• Existing residence served by a private well
• Vacant lot with an active building permit for construction of an individual residence not subject to the subdivision development process
• Commercial, institutional, agricultural or other non-residential property with a service connection of one inch or smaller
"The Board of County Commissioners has a continued commitment to expand water service to residents who desire it," chairman Dennis Rape said. “This is an investment I'm proud to support and it's important to the health and safety of our residents.”
Eligible residents with a well are required to provide results of well testing with their application. A well water sample request form is on the Union County website .
Joint applications with multiple homeowners in the same area are encouraged. Neighbors who apply under a joint application to serve multiple properties with one water line extension will reduce the financial burden for all and increase the application ranking.
Applications are prioritized based on a points system that adds extra weight to applicants with failing wells or who have concerns about the quality of their well water. Homeowners whose applications are approved will be required to share costs for the project, which are included on the Union County website .
"The county is covering the majority of the costs for this program, so it's a great opportunity for residents on a well to connect to county water," said Hyong Yi, water administrator. "However, approved applicants will be responsible for the fees associated with tapping into our water system. Those costs are outlined on our website."
Commissioners adopted an enhanced Short Water Line Extension Program in 2019. The program is part of the County's Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Program, which is largely based on the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan. The comprehensive plan provides a 20-year projection of system needs.
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